ECOVEN S2 [978]

978 - ECOVEN S2
  • Machine type Blowers Series2
  • O&U Themes Cost optimisation
  • Complexity3/3
  • Machine Sub-assemblyBlower oven


-New adjustment block/oven support: Independent setting of neck cooling shield for more stability

-Ecoven module for lamps cooling: The Super Cobra is replaced by a fan dedicated to each module

-Heating modules: Only 8 IR lamps, more efficient lamps, ceramic wall and top reflector

-Ceramic oven top reflector, adjustable in height to fit all preform lengths

Key message
Reduce electricity consumption by 20% to 45% (Yearly avoided Green House Gas emissions - Up to 166t CO2 (*))

Machine application

Blowers S2 except PM & PH models


-20% to 45% less electrical consumption

-Fewer lamps for 11% less installed power

-Sharper heating: Sharp zoning on preform surface and optimized under-neck stretching

-Easier to maintain: Heating module can be serviced on the bench while the machine runs with a spare module

-Ceramics are self-cleaning via pyrolysis effect


Yearly avoided Green House Gas emissions - Up to 166t CO2 (*)

(*) Result for an SBO 10 producing 1l bottle

     a. 15000 bottle/h speed rate

     b. 6000h production time / year