Air recovery kit, air recycling kit [543]

543 - Air recovery kit, air recycling kit
  • Tipo di macchina Soffiatrice Series2
  • Temi O&U Ottimizzazione dei costi
  • Complessità3/3
  • Machine Sub-assemblyBlowing wheel


-The amount of recovered air is linked to the type of blowers and depends also on the production conditions: machine rate, number of blowing stations, preblow and blow pressure and bottle capacity

-The recovered air could be re-used to generate: preblow air, stretching and nozzle cylinders air, low pressure air out of the machine (the blower acts as a LP compressor)

PCC Upgrade: an upgrade of the PCC version to V2.02 - if the current PCC is ICC 7000 type - is no more mandatory. A software patch, integrated into the V1.10, V1.11, V1.12R1, V1.15R and V2.00R1, was built in order to keep the existing hardware*.

*Some exceptions can subsist

Messaggio chiave
Recover up to 40% of blowing air (Yearly avoided GHG emissions - Up to 166t CO2 (*))

Applicaz. macchina

All SBO S2


-Savings in 40b air of at least 15% and up to 40% depending on process parameters

-Savings in 7b air of 100% on 95% of the applications. Only 20 Nm3/h are necessary on start-up to prime system

-Constant bottle quality with no variation in process parameters

-Operating reliability. No maintenance necessary

-Reduced investment as compressors are sized to perfect fit


Yearly avoided Green House Gas emissions - Up to 166t CO2 (*)


(*) Result for an SBO10 producing 1l bottle

     a. 35 bar blowing pressure

     b. 15000 bottle/h speed rate

     c. 6000h production time / year